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5 reasons to watch Gone Girl

I was able to get myself into the preview screening for Gone Girl a while back and I have to admit I was pretty excited to finally see what all the fuss has been regarding this book.


For some reason I hate to read books just because everyone else is obsessed with them. I’d rather wait a while and check it out without the hype so my thoughts about the story isn’t affected by other things.

But Gone Girl is one of those few books that did so well so fast that Hollywood managed to get a film done before I ever looked at a single page.

This piece has been stuck in my drafts for around two weeks because I’ve had no time to finish it so apologies if it seems a bit light.

5 reason to watch Gone Girl

1. Rosamund Pike

This is easily going to be the role that takes her to new heights. Her performance is exceptional because she manages to become one of the most interesting characters I’ve seen on screen for some time now.

2. David Fincher

Just one look at this man’s IMDB page should have let any doubters know that the film was in very capable hands. He draws out the tension perfectly with each shot. This film almost reminded me of Se7en, which is now on my list of films to watch again when I find the time.

3. Gillian Flynn

It takes a lot to bring your book from the pages to the big screen but when you have been inspired to create such an awesome story I have to guess it was an easy-ish task for Gillian Flynn. I can’t only sit in awe of the brilliance in every twist and turn and just be amazed at all the thought that went into this story.

4. The ending

Is it better? Is it worse? Is it the same? I haven’t read the book and people keep giving me contrasting facts but all I know is the film’s ending is good. Not what you would ever want but also makes you think.

5. It’s actually really funny

The wit in the script mixed with the delivery from the actors means that you can’t help but laugh at all the moments that Fincher and Flynn want you to. The film is making a really clever point about relationships and marriage and just the rise in people brining out the worst in each other. While it’s a sad truth, it really does provide a few lols when you look at it.

Verdict: This is one of those films that I will be happy to watch again and again. The plot is so seemless and clever that you’ll never quite get bored of it i think. Rosamund is the star that shines so brightly in this and I really hope it’s the film that propels her to a higher level.

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