Films / Reviews

5 reasons to watch Sin City 2: A Dame To Kill For

I was lucky enough to attend a preview screening of Sin City 2: A Dame To Kill For and I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect.


Don’t ask me why but I didn’t actually see the original for a really long time and when I did get round to it, I just wasn’t IN LOVE with it like a lot of other people were. I liked it and I felt it was a great moment in film history but I’ve only ever seen it three times.

But then Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller felt like the 2005 offering wasn’t enough and fans are about to get a highly-anticipated second dose. After watching the film, I think people won’t be left disappointed.

I wish I could go into a fully detailed review but time is not on my side these days. So here’s a few reasons why I think you might want to pop to the cinema and return to the world of Basin City.

1. Eva Green

The most captivating female in the whole film has to be Eva Green. Partly because she is naked quite a bit, but also because she is AMAZING.

She took the character of Ava Lord and hit the ball right out of the park. Sexy, mysterious, dangerous and evil all wrapped up into a truly brilliant performance.

She could have done all of this with her boobs hidden in a corset or a bra but I can’t even pretend I didn’t enjoy ogling at her ridiculously amazing figure.


2. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

As the other new face in town, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is equally as awesome in his role. I might be biased because in my eyes, J G-L can do no wrong but I think people will agree with me when I say he plays his part as the mysterious card whizz perfectly.

3. Familiar faces

Mickey Rourke is back as Marv while Powers Boothe is manages to make Senator Roark even more sinister than before. Then there’s the addition of Josh Brolin as Dwight McCarthy doing what they do best in Basin City. That alone is enough to make any fan happy.

4. Always stunning visuals

The graphic noir visual will always help to make the film feel like an amazing feast for the eyes. It’s not as breathtaking the second time, even with the addition of 3D. But it still looks ten times cooler than some film of the action films we put up with these days so I won’t complain.


5. Femme fatale

Yes, the way females are portrayed and treated in the this film is horrible. But that doesn’t stop the ladies from lighting up the screen with their amazing performances and unapologetic sex appeal.

Jessica Alba takes things up a few notches as sexy stripper Nancy, while Rosario Dawson looks positively delighted to return as Gail. Jamie Chung as Miho never fails to amaze and Juno Temple makes her mark during her brief appearance as Sally.

Verdict: Some people might feel that this sequel isn’t necessary but I happen to love it. It’s slick, sexy and ten times more merciless than the original. What more could you want?

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